The name is sexy and playful, like a colorful cocktail. But what is Sangria? Who is Sangria? Is she the one who took Lucia? And why?
Is she the darkness that found its way into Haley's head? Is she a pawn of it? Maybe even a puppet?
You may find out sooner than you expect.
With a good chunk of the bugs and strange folds of Dreamcutter being ironed out in our latest patch, development has been very content focused lately, and it's been exciting to see it all take shape! Here's what you can expect to see in the next update, what's already been done, what's going to be completed and what will be touched on in upcoming now-to-be-bi-weekly updates!
- Re-engineered moon swining!
The act of swinging against a moon has been simplified and is overall much more satisfying than before!
- New Speed Gaining mechanic!
Easily one of the most fun parts of the moon swinging has been the ability to cumulate some extra velocity and we wanted to incorporate more of that in to the gameplay itself! I won't spoil the surprise, but combos have -never- been more incentivized!
- Reworked Orb Fights
The orb fight has been spiced up to include shorted, more engaging and more satisfying level ends!
- New Combat Options
The combat is gaining another small new suite of moves to allow for tighter combat that puts more control of Haley in -your- hands! Don't ever be caught somewhere you can't swing!
- New Enemy, New Boss, New Story Additions!
World 3 is going to act as a fully fleshed out expansion on everything Dreamcutter is already capable of! Bigger environments! More secrets! More engaging platforming and combat! More options for exploration! It's an ambitious area and it's shaping up even better than previously imagined!
Thank you so much for continuing to play Dreamcutter, the next update is going to be bigger and better than ever!